Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of the School Year-Stress Relief

Hi to all my blog viewers! Today, could possibly be the last of my blog posts, considering that this is officially the last blog post I HAVE to write. However,kk during the course of this year, I have learned how to aprecciate writtin ghtese blog posts. I've found out that it is a fine way of expressing myself, and mainly, organizing ideas. It could be considered a "virtual public diary". Therefore, I will continue writting blog posts, however, with more or less frequency than usual. However, this is not my blog post today is about. Today, im gonna talk a little bit about the end of the school year. I think the end of a school year is always hectic,because techers are putting pressure on us to end projects, study for tests before the final exam, and giving us work. I think this could also be parcialy the fault of their directors who must put pressure on them to conclude the year handing out all the content they should give throughout the year. However, they want to go to vacation as much as we want to, and this pressure on both sides, eventually causes stress, disagreements, and even lack of confidence! Like Holden Caufield would say " It makes me feel depressed..." The only thing that hold us on, is the idea that in a short period of time, school will be over, and we will have nearly two months of vacation to do whatever we want, with only the obligations WE choose. I was thinking about it, and I came with some tactics to releive the stress of the end of a school year. First of all, take a deep breath. Second of all, consider the pro's and con's of acting the way you will choose to, and third, enjoy the moment. These things tend to relieve tense moments.
They are good times to talk things out. Another tactic, is to do whjat you like to, in my case, playing the guitar. Seriously: If i'm nervous one day, and your close to me, and a guitar is close to me, give it to me, and you will have me "pacified" in about 5 min! But it could be anything to different people. You have to do things you enjoy, like the name of my blog imply's. I think this blog has also worked as a stress relief, because it is a place where on top of the fact that I express my feelings about stuff, I remember memories, and good times, thinking about things I enjoy. So my final advice I give to relive the stress of any moment: Build a "things I enjoy" blog. Just remember, live life the fullest, enjoy the moments, and don't forget:EXPRESS THEM!
Check it brotha's
Yo Holmie,
Mathias Ducnan Brotero-
Uncle Jamal

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post! I'm glad you found the blog to be useful for something more than just a grade. Enjoy your vacation!
