Saturday, November 14, 2009


I am have been reading Papillon, a very good book. The author is named Henri Charriére, a french lad. Papillon in french, means butterfly, and the author, used to be nicknamed papillon, for he had a butterfly tattoed to his chest. The book is real, and papillon tells his story through full details. It starts when he is convicted for a murder he swears he didn't commit. He admits have commited other murders, however, not that one. He is first sent to a prison in France, where he goes to the solitaire, even though he didn't do anything, and remains there for 45 days. After he gets out, the director of the prison curses him, beats him, and asks him: " Anything you want to say now, Papillon?", and as a man of dignity, he replies " I now want to spit at your face. The only reason i don't, is because i would get my spit dirty." So he is beaten up, neraly to death and then sent to the solitaire again. In the middle of the trips between solitaire-directors office, he meets Dega, a person who would later be one of his best friends. The jury decides to convict him forever, and then he is sent to French Guinea. After a good planning, he flees, and from the french guinea, he reaches colombia, in a little boat. However, he has to go to land, and the people from colombia, capture him. He then is sent back to French Guinea, however, this time, he goes to the devils island, and is sent to a small island from there, where he spends two years of reclusion. He mentioned speaking to someone four times in two years. When he goes back to the salvation islands, he meets Dega, Galgani, Maturette, and other friends. He trys to flee once more, and the escape would have worked if it wasn't for a man who tattle taled them the day before the escape. He then was convicted for eight years in reclusion, which were diminished to one year and a half, for he risked his life with the sharks, to save one of the guards daughters. He is now back to the salvation islands again, and wants to escape, however, the commander of the prison asked him to try in at least a month, for in a month he will be retired. So Papillon, is waiting for another chance. If you have the chance, read it, for it is an excellent book.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3D slime

What is 3d slime?? Well, that is one of the most usual questions asked by people with no notion of light online games, that do not take much time to begin, or people that dislike 2d games. For those that do not know, 3d slime, is an online game, in which one can play many 2d games (in fact there is one 3d game), about sports. The games include Volleyball 1p ( one player), Volleyball 2p ( two players), Flying Voleyball 1p, Power Volleyball, soccer, basketball, cricket, bowling, water polo, dodgeball, and boxing. These last ones mentioned all are of two players. The games are divided into 1, 2, 4, and 8 minutes. These are when one is playing with someone else. However, when playing solo, one goes for the world cup. In soccer, for example, the world cup includes mostly all the teams in the world. The person playing on the left side of the keyboard plays with the a, w, d, s keys, while the person playing in the right of the keyboard uses the arrow keys. There exists a type of "game" called training day, which is very usefull for starters, for as the name implies, it introduces the person to the games. There are highscores, and if one is good enough, they are ranked there, like our friend Kevin Yoon. In my experience, 3d slime is a ver good option for when someone does not know what to do. It is very distracting, and educative, for the colors of the flags, are implied in the little guy's color. I recomend it to all people.

Monday, November 9, 2009


My comrades and I recentely went Go Karting. Extremeley interesting it was. The Flores Brothers, Sebastian, and Santiago used to go kart a lot when younger. Thy used to have a kart each, so as thought previously, Santiago went first place, and Sebastian second. In third, the German origined Michael Isensee, and in fourth my pal André Allemann. Fifth place, was I (and I will furtherley explain why), and sixth Kevin. In seventh André Teixeira, and eigth Lucas. Finally, Paulo Jordão, an old bud we met there, was the ninth.

This sport is very nice for people who enjoy adrenaline, and speed. The only problem is that there is little time for too much money, so it is rare that we go. Now, I will explain why I was fifth(not first, as planned). The race began, and I began in fourth. I was going to have a closed turn, when Sebastian closed me. the impact was so hard, that it made André Allemann, which was behind me to bash under me. We got stuck for one and a half laps. i was in last, so it was theoretically good. Four position over one and a half lap is a good result.

For the people who want top Kart, the KartIn is a good place to go. HAVE A GOOD RACE!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


I know it is kind of early to talk about christmas, however, as is is one of the things I most enjoy, it is today's post's subject. My family holds a tradition, of always picking real trees for christmas, and for me, this is one of the most important part of Christmas. The picking of the tree, and the taking it home to put on the lights, while listening to christmas music by louis armstrong, or nat kingcole, is one of the best parts of christmas. Christmas has different meanings to different people, and even so, everyone worships it. For children, the word that comes in bold is presents, even though many have relegious teachings in mind. For relegious people, it is the coming of Jesus Christ to our world, or the begining of eternal salvation. In my past experiences, I have looked at Christmas, when going through difficulties, and for help, for it has always helped me. It is when the whole family comes together, and everybody is joined together, as though nothing that could restrain the the communication of family members exists. When I think about Christmas, the word Unite is what is in bold.Every year, my entire family comes together at my grandmothers house on the 24th to celebrate Christmas. Last year, Christmas was very rainy, with trees swaying, and winds blowing at very high speeds out of my grandmothers house. Suddenley, we all heard a very loud CRACK, as a massive tree landed on my aunt's car. After that, the only noise heard on top of the rain was the car's siren. the talking seased, as my oldest cousin, my son's aunt ran into the night with an umbrella to see what had happened. When he came back, he said the car was totally smashed, and had no chance of working again. My aunt, obviously was extremeley sad, however, the whole family began to support her, and even though it was a horrible catastrophe, it was kind of an "ice breaker", because the family, was behaving like a family should behave. It was Christmas.