Sunday, April 25, 2010


What exactly is procrastination? In my personal opinion, procrastination, is the time we take of from ourselves when we know we are pressured to do something, and even knowing that, we try to forget it so that we can have a longer period of time without being pressured to work. However, the real definiton of procrastination, is when we leave every task we have to do, until the last second, while we could have done it a long time ago. While we should be performing small parts of the task during the time stipulated by the "tasker", we just "forget" about it, and leave it to the last instant. I am not really fond of procrastination...However, I am oftenly subjected to it, usually on a weekly basis. Procrastination is usually more usual in larger tasks, such as a math statistics project, a biology test, or even an ENGLISH RESEARCH PAPER! However, small things as tyding up your room, or cleaning the computer's hard drive could also be motives to procrastination. The advantages of procrastination, are that you have more free time, because you will be taking all the time you would be performing the small parts of the task, to do what you want, and at the end, you would have to catch up all in a shorter ammount of time.
However, there are more disadvantages to procrastinating, such as: The short period of time one is using to do a long period task, could be a risly thing for a good grade. There is also the large ammount of work on one's back, when it comes very closeley to the due date. And finally, in my opinion one of the worst, the feeling of having to perform loads of work in a small period of time is frustrating. Sometimes, people tend to procrastinate, and sometimes there is no wrong in it. However, if done too often, one could end up with serious problems. So be careful: Before you procrastinate, weigh the consequences, and see if the task being procrastinated can be performed in the short ammount of time, or if you are only going to freak out. Sometimes, it is best to do small portions, rather then FREAK OUT IN THE LAST MINUTE!


1 comment:

  1. So, I guess that makes me the "tasker" in the case of this research paper?

    Surely none of the 10th graders procrastinated on that . . .
