Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scuba Diving

I've been looking through my blog, and it made me laugh that there exists a pattern of posts, which I disn't think would happened. My last posts have been all about the beach, or better, about summer. It is funny how the enviorment affects our thinking as well. Anyhow, as it is still summer, I will talk abou one of the things I most enjoy: scuba diving. My father has always liked scuba diving too, which may have been one of the reasons I like it soo much, however, I enjoy scuba diving so much also because as I said in the last post, I love the sea, and compared to other natural enviroments we have in our planet, the sea is one of the most unexplored.

The first time I went diving, was in a beach called Toque Toque Pequeno, aobut three ours from São Paulo. It was really cool, and we saw many different things, like a turtle and a snake. Then , after diving going there about three times, we went to Natal, in the North part of Brazil, and dived in a place called Maracajaú, which in my opinion, is the best place to scuba. It was the first time I dived with the oxygen tank, and it was a hell of an experience. We saw many cool fishes, and animals.

After that, I went to Fernando de Noronha, which is also an extremeley good place to dive, and I dived at about 12 meters under the ocean's surface. In this majestic arquipelago, I saw barracudas, turtles, and even a small octopus. This year, as I mentioned in the last post, I went again to the North Coast, and again to Maracajaú. Even though it was again, very cool, I got sad to see how the turism has affected the scuba diving in a bad manner. The previous time before this last one, when I went there, we would get a boat, which would drive us about fourteen Km away from the coast, and there would be one platform, so that we could have a place to rest. This time, there are many boats, including a gigantic one, which takes us to the same place, and where there are about 7 platforms. After diving, I began talking to a local guide, and I asked him, why had all those beautful fauna and flora dissapeared. He told me that it is because there are too many people there with sunblock, and too many boats, which scare them away. It is natural that people be attracted to beautiful places like that, however, what made me sad was that of those many people that go there, a small ammount of people are there for the real purpose of diving. Most are there to jump in the water, go back to the bboat, and keep drinking beer. I mean, give me a break. If one wants to enjoy themseleves like that, be my guest, but do It some place where it will not affect the enjoyment of other people, like me, whoms purpose is to SCUBA!!!

Anyhow, I recomend the sport to anyone who really likes the sea, and natural habitats. When I scuba, it seems I have been transported to another world, as it is so quiet, (when no boats are zooming over the sea... )
Pece out Holmies
Check it

1 comment:

  1. My family is really into scuba diving as well. That's awesome that you've gotten to dive in so many places. I've heard great things about Fernando de Noronha.
